Build trusted data products faster

Accelerate your data transformation process with dbt Cloud and start delivering data that you and your team can rely on.

Trusted by the best in data

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Experience the new standard for data transformation

Empower your team with a workflow that’s been adopted by thousands of teams across all major data cloud platforms.

Accelerate the data development lifecycle

Unlock the potential of your data with a cloud-based platform designed to support faster production. dbt accelerates the speed of development by allowing you to:

  • Free up data engineering time by inviting more team members to contribute to the data development process
  • Write business logic faster using a declarative code style
  • Improve code re-usability with modularity and macros
  • Onboard new data developers faster with comprehensive, automatic documentation of your data products

Maintain governance and control of your analytics code

Manage your analytics with the same rigorous standards you apply to all business critical assets. dbt allows you to test business logic, ensuring data quality, and fix issues proactively before they impact your business. With improved visibility, you can uncover inefficient spend on compute and integrate code changes quickly.

Build for scale and complexity

Prepare for the complexity that arises as your data matures. dbt is a data management platform that’s built for scale and grows with you, so you can:

  • Unify your team and standardize processes across your systems
  • Give your teams’ workflow extensibility and flexibility with integrations and APIs from our robust partner ecosystem
  • Trust in dbt Labs’ service level agreements, guaranteed uptime, and 24x7 business support

Explore dbt today

Invite your team to try dbt with a 14 day free trial—no credit card required. You can connect your data warehouse and start developing right away.

Connect your data cloud platform

Connect your data cloud platform

Create your free account, and connect your data to dbt. It integrates with Snowflake, Databricks, and many other data cloud platforms.

Turn business logic into dbt models

Turn business logic into dbt models

Iterate with version control, deploy models, and repeat the process without rebuilding. You can also validate and test in dbt’s intuitive user interface.

Deliver your first data product

Deliver your first data product

Ship reliable data products and maintain their quality with pipeline break notifications, automatic documentation, and visible lineage.

Learn more about dbt

Explore how dbt Cloud can elevate your data development process with these helpful resources.

Join us for a live dbt demo

See the benefits of dbt and deep dive into how it can help you be a more impactful data team.

Sign up now

Learn how Nasdaq builds their team with dbt

Learn how to becoming indispensable to the CPO from Brian Taylor, Lead Product Manager at Nasdaq, during this on-demand conversation.

Watch now

Attend a Zero to dbt Workshop

Register for an introductory session that covers the basics of dbt. It’s expert-led and designed to quickly guide you through starting your first project.

Sign up now